Have a Website? Join Etology and start earning additional revenue! Simply paste our code on your website and we take care of the rest. Sit back - we'll send you the check. Create your Etology account in one step. Join now!
No Website - No Problem! We'll show you profitable affiliate programs to send traffic to. Now you can easily take advantage of the topmoney making business on the internet. Start brokering!
Know someone with a website? Refer sellers to Etology and they will pay you 20% of their commissions on their sales! As a seller, you are automatically a broker as well. Join now!
How to Sell Ad Space?Registering Your Website
Prerequisite: You must have a website and access to the html pages.
1.) First you will need to create an account on Etology.com.
2.) Then you must log in and click on the "SELL ADS" tab.
a.) In the Seller's Dashboard, click on the link "Add A New Website"
3.) Here you will enter in the information about your website & Contact Information.
a.) Site Name: mydomain.com
b.) Site URL: http://www.mydomain.com
c.) Site Image: (upload an image when editing a website - select a default image to represent your site, usually a logo)
d.) Site Rating: (Select your rating)
Safe for work
Not Safe for Work
e.) Category: (Assign your website a category)
f.) Site Description: Give a brief description of your website and the audience it caters to.
g.) Contact Information: (This information is used when sending out payments)
h.) Click on "Register Website"
Creating Ad Spaces on your Website
Once you've entered in the details for your website, you can begin creating ad spaces for your website using the "Create A New Ad Space" under the "SELL ADS" tab.
1.) Select the Ad space type.
a.) Text - Select this to create a text ad
b.) Banner - Select this to create a banner
c.) Click on "Next"
Text Ads
#Ads: The number of text ads within the constraints of the size.
Alignment: Choose the Alignment (Preview is in the right column).
Font Type: Select the font of the text Ad.
Size: Size of the block allocated for Ads on your website.
Headline Color: Choose the title color.
Description Color: Choose the description color.
Background Color: Choose the background color of the Ad.
Place Holder for Empty Space: The text that will be placed when Ad's are not served. (Example: Want to Advertise here?)
Banner Ads
Size: Choose between standard Banner Ad Sizes or choose to create your own custom Ad Size.
Place holder for empty space: The default banner when Ads have not been purchased.
Click "Next".
Determine the price of your Ad and the length in days.
Price: The price of the Duration.
Duration: Number of Days you want to sell.
Ad Space Start Date: The day Ad(s) can begin to be purchased.
Click "Next".
Your Confirmation
Ad Space Name: The Name of the Ad Space. (Example - BottomTextAd)
Ad Space Description: A brief description about the Ad space. (placement, type, audience, etc.)
Your AdSpace is ready for purchase.
Sign Up Now
No Website - No Problem! We'll show you profitable affiliate programs to send traffic to. Now you can easily take advantage of the topmoney making business on the internet. Start brokering!
Know someone with a website? Refer sellers to Etology and they will pay you 20% of their commissions on their sales! As a seller, you are automatically a broker as well. Join now!
How to Sell Ad Space?Registering Your Website
Prerequisite: You must have a website and access to the html pages.
1.) First you will need to create an account on Etology.com.
2.) Then you must log in and click on the "SELL ADS" tab.
a.) In the Seller's Dashboard, click on the link "Add A New Website"
3.) Here you will enter in the information about your website & Contact Information.
a.) Site Name: mydomain.com
b.) Site URL: http://www.mydomain.com
c.) Site Image: (upload an image when editing a website - select a default image to represent your site, usually a logo)
d.) Site Rating: (Select your rating)
Safe for work
Not Safe for Work
e.) Category: (Assign your website a category)
f.) Site Description: Give a brief description of your website and the audience it caters to.
g.) Contact Information: (This information is used when sending out payments)
h.) Click on "Register Website"
Creating Ad Spaces on your Website
Once you've entered in the details for your website, you can begin creating ad spaces for your website using the "Create A New Ad Space" under the "SELL ADS" tab.
1.) Select the Ad space type.
a.) Text - Select this to create a text ad
b.) Banner - Select this to create a banner
c.) Click on "Next"
Text Ads
#Ads: The number of text ads within the constraints of the size.
Alignment: Choose the Alignment (Preview is in the right column).
Font Type: Select the font of the text Ad.
Size: Size of the block allocated for Ads on your website.
Headline Color: Choose the title color.
Description Color: Choose the description color.
Background Color: Choose the background color of the Ad.
Place Holder for Empty Space: The text that will be placed when Ad's are not served. (Example: Want to Advertise here?)
Banner Ads
Size: Choose between standard Banner Ad Sizes or choose to create your own custom Ad Size.
Place holder for empty space: The default banner when Ads have not been purchased.
Click "Next".
Determine the price of your Ad and the length in days.
Price: The price of the Duration.
Duration: Number of Days you want to sell.
Ad Space Start Date: The day Ad(s) can begin to be purchased.
Click "Next".
Your Confirmation
Ad Space Name: The Name of the Ad Space. (Example - BottomTextAd)
Ad Space Description: A brief description about the Ad space. (placement, type, audience, etc.)
Your AdSpace is ready for purchase.
Sign Up Now
Etology, start earning additional revenue
Reviewed by Azmie21
3:14 PM
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